
Friday, September 20, 2013

Famous Freemason: Richard Pryor

Richard Franklin Lennox Thomas Pryor III was made a Mason at Henry Brown Lodge #22 in Peoria, IL. He is known for drawing a thin line between comedy and tragedy in his comedy using personal conflict and redemptions with colorful vulgarity in his acts. He was best known for his comedy stand up but also starred in many movies such as Silver Streak (1976), The Toy (1982), Brewster's Millions (1985) and Harlem Nights (1989). He was the first recipient of the annual Mark Twain (another Freemason) Humor Prize. He passed away December 10, 2005 of a heart attack at the age of 65


  1. He might have joined a lodge but he was not a Mason..........those that trully understand this craft will understand my comment.

    1. To anyone that finds this comment ambiguous. This person is saying because of his behavior/ comedic act was rather vulgar and they don't think it is becoming of a mason.

  2. I agree he was not a traveller

  3. Richard was a Mason and maybe went off the path, but it is not for me to judge his heart. Very few men get to reach the level if success that he has. It comes with lots of problems, but Richard Pryor should be recognized as one of the greats. Maybe being a Mason helped him become a Master of comedy even if you dont like the subject matter.

  4. Was the late Clerow (Flip) Wilson, a Mason? I saw an old photo, and he was wearing a lodge ring!

  5. Notice these celebrities that are free masons stare into space, like in a trance? Satanic control for sure, not my concern
