
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Conspiracy Theory: New World Order

As a Master Mason, I am now part of the New World Order and can now help with the plans to replace all government and religious leaders with freemasons and rule the world with the rest of the secret elite over an authoritarian world government.........Right after we raise enough money by selling pancakes.

That about sums up the meaning of the New World Order,(NWO).  It's the belief that everything that is happening and has happened, from Jack the Ripper to 9/11, is some incredibly huge plot to have a one world government and put people under it's spell under an elite group, or groups, to keep you as slaves and Freemasonry is a major part (or only part)of it.  Sounds like a Great movie, but most over-the-top stories are.

The Truth?  Sure, we do want to take over the world.  If everyone believed in personal liberty, religious freedom, social responsibly, equality and tolerance we could save our money and tear up our membership cards.  Those are noble and common-sense ideas however, not Masonic and freemasonry can't just sell those ideas in a market.  It can only be used to guide our actions, not control them. 

The only agenda Freemasonry has is to improve the lives of its members and hope that they go on to improve the lives of others and their communities.  It cannot tell you who to vote for, what religion to follow, what to think, how to pray, who to choose as friends etc.......Quite the opposite of totalitarianism.

Nothing is controlling me under the fraternity, it teaches me to do good, but cannot force me....Only I can choose my own path on my own.  I chose to become a Mason on my own free will, and I can choose to leave anytime I want if I ever find that something conflicts with me, my family, my country or my duty to God.  Nothing is keeping me "under it's spell" and there is no threat to harm me or my family if I choose to do so.

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